Enrollment & Vaccinations

Guest Assessment for NEW DOGS

Our “assessment” of a dog’s temperament begins the moment they walk through the door and never ends.

During the first few days, new dogs will be closely monitored in all aspects and situations. This is a key time for us to learn about your dog’s personality.

The first days of observation ensure safety and compatibility with the other canine guests and the staff.

Please be aware that day care is NOT for all dogs as everyone and every dog is made differently!


1) Fill out the Day Care Application and Agreement (3) pages.

2) Gather proof of vaccinations not more than 30 days old or have your vet fax directly to us. Remember that we require Dhpp, Bordatella and Rabies. Your dog must also be spayed or neutered if 7 months of age or older.

3) Submit paperwork to our email: info@K9PlaytimeNY.com or fax (585)360-2801.

4) We will review your application and vaccines and get back to you to schedule a first day. YOU WILL NEED A RESERVATION FOR THE FIRST DAY. If you want to board your dog overnight, you will be asked for the “Boarding Application Addendum” to confirm a reservation but we cannot make a reservation without completion of the initial (3) days of daycare.


Dogs must be up-to-date on the following: Rabies, DHLP (Distemper/Lepto) and Bordatella (Kennel Cough). If your dog does not have a Bordatella (kennel cough vaccine), it is required that it be administered (10) days prior to starting day care or boarding.


Puppies are welcome after they have received their first two DHPP (Distemper) vaccinations and the Bordatella (Canine Cough) vaccination. It is suggested they are a minimum of 10-12 weeks old as they have had their first two DHPP vaccinations. Rabies vaccinations are required at 20 lb. or 4 months of age.

Spaying and Neutering:

YES! YES! YES! Any puppy OVER 7 months of age MUST be spayed or neutered. NO exceptions.


All dogs MUST be SOCIAL. It is our responsibility to ensure your dog has a safe environment to play in. All dogs are not made for daycare. They are NOT. We do not allow CONSTANT barking, constant marking, humping, pinning or biting as a form of play.

First Day:

Bring your dog a snack or lunch if you want your dog to eat here. If we have your paperwork as outlined above, drop off shouldn’t take more than a minute.

Dogs must be leashed in and out of the building and reception area. Dogs do not wear collars during the day so these can be hung up with your dogs leash in reception. We do not allow vibration or shock collars in the daycare.

Go to work, leave your dog with us, and prepare to have a quiet evening at home later!